Last week after a miscommunication on an appointment I
decided that I would use my newly found time to test out the mini oven in the
mini kitchen. I figured when life gives you lemons (i.e. missing an appt.,) you
make lemonade (and by lemonade I mean brownies.)
I'm not sure what was more comical- me trying to cook
where the only measuring cup available was the blender (in the metric system
with the recipe in imperial -U.S.- units), the mini oven/microwave that is the
cousin of the Easy Bake Oven (also in Celsius,) or the new hand mixer that sent
brownie batter everywhere making the tiny kitchen look like a monkey ran in and
flung poo everywhere.
Luckily I was able to clean it up before housekeeping got
there. Despite the guestimation on the ingredients, the brownies were delicious.
Did I mention I miss my western kitchen?
Since this blog is intended to be informative, here are
the lessons learned....make sure to pack measuring cups, a carpenter is only as
good as their tools, a good sense of humor goes a long
way and brownies are good no matter what country your kitchen is in.
Happy Trails,
Amy (not so) domestic goddess & Raegen